decline in quality

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  1. The new system may be more economic but will lead to a decline in programme quality.
  2. At school, you see a sharp decline in the quality of dialogue.
  3. The forest loss in Cantareira increased erosion, caused the decline in water quality, and changed seasonal water flows, reducing the resilience of the entire system against climatic extreme events.
  4. Your products decline in quality.
  5. Another study, which looked at data from nearly 16,000 individuals over a year, concluded that as alcohol consumption increased there was a decline in diet quality.
  6. The decline in crude quality and changing refinery product markets is increasing the hydrogen requirements of oil refineries.
  7. Their cost rose despite a general decline in their quality.
  8. This kind of noise, spindle bearing produce proof quality problems or spindle bearings use life has to wear, or after the decline in the quality or damage, can consider to change at this time.
  9. And reduce the decline in the quality of arable land, freshwater resources shortage, environmental degradation, natural disasters exacerbated, which are facing the agricultural development challenge.
  10. Survey into Relevant Problems about the Decline in Physical Quality of Students in Five Northwest Provinces
  11. It increases plants'susceptibility to diseases and affects flower development and seed growth, causing a decline in quality in crops such as rice and wheat.
  12. "The growth in the number of artificially-bred pandas, however, was inevitably accompanied by a decline in the quality and genetic diversity, as many captive pandas are blood relations," said Zhang.
  13. At least one other study has linked obesity in men to a decline in sperm quality, but Baird says more research is needed to confirm the association between body weight and infertility in men.
  14. Decline in the quality of surimi can be effectively avoided by temperature control in the dehydration process of surimi.
  15. However, aspects of neuropsychological patients with complications may have serious cognitive impairment, in particular the decline in memory to a serious decline in quality of life.
  16. The cost of public services has risen steeply despite ageneral decline in their quality.
  17. Information on the Web site for coverage of the decrease will also affect the decline in the quality of online services, the local impact of operational information and can be extended.
  18. We show that a significant decline in issuer quality is a more reliable signal of credit market overheating than rapid aggregate credit growth.
  19. At present, the cultivated area in our country is faced with rapid decrease in number and decline in quality, which resulted in poor condition of the farmland.
  20. Through the investigation of the land environment, the paper discovered that land has a rapid decrease in quantity and a decline in quality, which affects the development of national economy.
  21. The pollution of soil will hinder the growth of crops, lead to the reduction in yield and decline in quality.
  22. This means a miss of the best time for cultivating creativity and meanwhile a decline in quality of the commonwealth.
  23. Sugarcane Yellow leaf Syndrome ( SYLS) is a new sugarcane disease discovered in recent years in China and in the world. It causes severely decline in quality and quantity of sugarcane and is responded to variety retrogression.
  24. Heilongjiang Province is located in the Alpine region. For its cold weather, tree growth is slow. To breeding a new fast and strong resistance varieties of poplar is important to solving the shortage of wood, poplar decline in quality, the lack of new varieties.
  25. Depression was the independent risk factor which leaded to the decline in quality of life of adult female patients with epilepsy.
  26. Let the sunshine sports carry out to improve the state of health of students, the mainly content is aim at students across the country, especially in middle school students have physical and motor decline in quality.
  27. If large deviation occurs without eliminated, one batch or more batches will have decline in quality.
  28. If the harvest can not be dehydration on time, it will lead to decay, deterioration, which makes the harvest decline in quality and not conducive to the storage and consumption.
  29. Such continually handover often leads to serious decline in quality of communication when user use their mobile telephone, sometimes may the drop-call happens in bad condition.
  30. Serious decline in quality of life of patients, and even loss of limbs, serious and even life-threatening but also a great burden on society.